Special Learning Center is excited to offer a new summer therapy and skills enrichment program! Join us this summer for a dynamic blend of arts and crafts, music, and sports, fostering not only skill development in areas like handwriting and social skills but also creating an inclusive environment where every child thrives through adaptive activities and supportive interactions.

Skills Enrichment:  June 24-28, July 22-26, July 29-August 2

  • Social Skills 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Children will work on interacting appropriately with others their age. They’ll learn conversational, friendship, and problem solving skills. They will also work on controlling their emotions and understanding other people’s perspectives through games, role-playing, and other fun engaging activities. The groups will provide a caring environment where children can learn from encouragement, experience, and practice. Week of June 24-28: Ages 5-7. Week of July 22-26: Ages 8-10. Week of July 29-August 2: Ages 11-12. Cost is $25 per week, per child.
  • Handwriting 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. This session uses a multi-sensory approach to handwriting and learning letters. Children will participate in fun and engaging activities to support foundational skills needed for handwriting along with formal instruction of letter formation and legibility. Designed for ages 5-7 years old. Cost is $25 per week, per child. *This session the week of June 24-28 is FULL.
  • Adapted-Sports 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Teaching the fundamental skills of different sports each week to enhance your child’s ability to participate and contribute to a team. Children will have the opportunity to develop their skills in soccer, basketball, and baseball/softball led by a local community school district coach. Designed for 5-12 years old. Cost is $25 per week, per child.

SLC’s Extended-Day Therapy Program : July 8-12 and July 15-19

  • Morning Session 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. During the morning session of SLC’s Extended-Day Therapy Program, children engage in dynamic arts, crafts, music and activities that not only enhance fine and gross motor skills but also foster social growth through specialized speech and language projects. Designed for ages 5-12 years old. Cost is $75 per week, per child.
  • Break (for all day registered children): kids who are joining us for both sessions are asked to bring their own lunch. Assistance and supervision will be available.
  • Afternoon Session 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. In the afternoon session, children will engage in a variety of activities targeting both fine and gross motor skills. Through arts & crafts, games, and sensory experiences, they will enhance arm and hand strength, coordination, and motor planning, while participating in relay races, obstacle courses, and group activities will develop whole body strength, balance, and endurance. Additionally, they will learn social skills such as appropriate interaction, conversational techniques, friendship building, problem-solving, emotional regulation, and perspective-taking. Designed for ages 5-12 years old. Cost is $75 per week, per child.

Registration for SLC’s Skills Enrichment program closes June 1st or until capacity is reached. Registration for SLC’s Extended-Day Therapy Program closes June 14th or until capacity is reached. All activities will take place at Special Olympics (305 Special Olympics Drive, Jefferson City, MO.) All registered campers will receive an SLC  tee!

To register, download and print the Summer Therapy Program Enrollment 2024 and return to Special Learning Center with payment. Registration and payment can be mailed or dropped off to our office. Registration forms are also available at SLC.

Please call our office at (573) 634-3070 with any additional questions. We look forward to seeing you this summer!