Leave a Legacy… Give to the SLC Foundation!
At a time when more and more children are being identified for early intervention services like those provided by Special Learning Center, it seems unthinkable that the agency would not be here to serve these children and their families.
However, much of the funding that secures the agency’s existence is controlled by organizations other than Special Learning Center.
That’s where the Special Learning Center Foundation comes in.
Our Mission
The mission of the Special Learning Center Foundation is to ensure quality services are available to children with special needs by securing the ongoing viability of Special Learning Center.
Our Priority
Established as a 501 (c) 3 corporation, the SLC Foundation’s priority is to accept and manage contributions from individuals and businesses and to distribute the earnings from these contributions to support Special Learning Center.
The SLC Foundation works with donors who wish to contribute to the security of Special Learning Center and ensure that quality services are available for children with special needs. All funds received by the SLC Foundation are invested and only the earnings from the contributions are distributed to the agency for programs, services and unmet needs.
The Need
Nearly 70 percent of the Special Learning Center budget is based upon reimbursement for services. Some of these reimbursement rates were set in the late 1980s and have not increased since that time. In addition, the number of students being served each year continues to increase significantly. As a service provider, SLC does not have the ability to influence a rate increase, resulting in the need for the Foundation to help make up the funding gap…a gap which widens as the number of children served increases.
How to Support the Foundation
Supporting the Foundation is an opportunity to leave a lasting impact on the future of Special Learning Center for years to come. A legacy gift to the Foundation will help provide services for generations.
To learn more about the Foundation and how you can make a legacy gift to Special Learning Center Foundation, contact the Director of Development Whitney Lammers at wlammers@speciallearningcenter.com.
Trustees and Advisors
The SLC Foundation is governed by an 11-member Board of Trustees and 5 Board Advisors who volunteer their time and expertise to guide the operations of the organization. The Foundation is supported by the Executive Director and the Director of Development for Special Learning Center.