Here are a few updates about Abby:

  • She is now learning to walk up and down stairs.
  • She is building strength in her legs by doing squats. These not only build strength, but they are important for her to be able to pick up toys and things from the ground and help her transition for standing to sitting.
  • She is working hard to gain ability to walk independently. One of the steps to doing this is having Abby hold a large lightweight object in front of her while someone holds the other side. This also encourages her to engage her abdominals for stability and shifts her weight forward over her base of support which is necessary to take independent steps.
  • Therapeutic kinesiotaping is performed to provide support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered during therapy session. Abby is having this taping done on her abdominals and her therapists are pleased with this treatment, as it increases her activation and awareness of her abdominal muscles.
  • She is working on “cruising” along the wall. She has gotten much faster and more independent. This will hopefully help her be able to get what she wants at home or school and also motivate her more to walk independently.
  • Abby is motivated to come up from the floor to a standing position on her own. She continues to work hard with her therapist on this goal.
  • Abby loves to ride her bike. She has become so fast her therapist often has to jog behind her to keep up.